My husband really is THE best !
Since I went out two nights in a row, he fed Wolf his bottle this morning, a bit later on I bathed the sprog and put him back in bed, went back to bed myself, and Bart let me sleep till 11.30. When I got up, he had made Wolf’s lunch and was feeding him. I went grocery shopping later on with the little one, and when I came back, Wolf’s fruit was ready, the dishes were done, and while I fed Wolf, he emptied the car and cleaned the brand new deep fryer I had bought since the old one kinda gave up on us last week. The curtains are drawn and the fire place is lit for me too, so I come home in a very cosy and clean house 🙂 Then he gave me a kiss and disappeared upstairs again to continue working in his office (business is booming :-))
How I love this guy ! But then again, he isn’t making it hard for me either :-p
Oh, btw, Robby: he sez you’re more than welcome to stay at our place 🙂