Had a very nice game of roleplay yesterday. Somehow there was very much innuendo and even blatant sexism, but man, I had such a laugh ! We actually managed to get 4 new characters introduced and get a bunch of info too.

Was really tired when I got home, but Bart was watching some Japanese movie, and I hate going to bed on my own, so I played a bit of AC for a change, untill I just couldn’t sit straight anymore. Went to bed, was hardly in there or I had to jump up and run to the loo… I HATE upset stomachs and puking at night ! The nausea is finally getting better, and I’m not so extremely tired anymore, but now I start throwing up at nights… Hmmm… The baby is allright though, the size of a gamba :-p

On another note: Faust moved tuesday to his new house, and I like the place. Went to help him a bit in the afternoon, unpacking small stuff and putting it in the cupboards, and driving to his old place to get more boxes and stuff. Man, he still has a TON to do… Poor Faust. After work today I might go and see how he’s doing. DUnno yet.

Anyway, gonna have sth to eat before my stomach kills me again, and see if I can get the paper without being soaked.

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