Isn’t it weird, how you can fall in and out of love with your love ? I mean, I’ve been together with Bart for over 9 years now, of which nearly 6 years married. I have never stopped loving the guy, on the contrary, the feeling just has deepened over the years. But the thrill has gone. Well, not really, but we know each other so well, every habit, every trait, every bit and piece. Not that that’s not nice: I love his habits and the whole of who he is. But usually the butterflies are gone. Till a certain moment, you look at him when he’s in your arms on the couch while you’re watching TV, and there’s that hot flash thru your body again, and you just can’t stop smiling. And all you want to do is cover his face with kisses, so that’s what you do, and the look in his eyes is so loving…
We just had tea together, a bit ago, I had forgotten today is a holiday, so no shops are open, and I defrosted some rolls. He offered to make us some scrambled eggs with cheese to go with them. And after that, I cleaned some strawberries and cut them up, to go with some vanilla ice cream. While he was putting the dishes away, he looked at me and said: “Aren’t we just lucky ? Aren’t we just two happy people ?” And all I could do was smile back at him and agree. Dog and cat were licking their paws, and silently agreed as well.

Is it weird to be happy ? Cos, deep down, I just am…

Tomorrow results of the pregnancy thing. Wish me even more happiness, people…

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