Mmmm…. Now this is vacation ! I really didn’t write this down yesterday, cos I felt too lazy for that even. I had the most wonderful of days for ages. All I did was stay at home tho. But…
I slept long, and then I installed myself on the couch, still in pyamas, a cup of hot cocoa as well… Outside it was damn cold, bright sunshine, and all covered in snow. Beautiful ! And inside, well, there was the lights of the Xmas tree, the purring cat on top of me, the dog at my feet, the nice crackling fire, and a very good book. So all I did was read, have a small bite to eat, have some cocoa or coffee, read on, get up and give my hubby a kiss, read on, light the other lights and draw the curtains, read on… Mmmm… And not even a shred of urgent work here… So I felt as relaxed as could be, was quite a new experience… *hugs the world* Feeling happy, for a change !

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