Had a cool day, yes indeed. And the guy who made it cool was Faust, once more.
After a long sleep (1st years are out to Technopolis) I got up at 9.40, did some work, went for groceries, and went to teach. After that I went over to Faust’s place, where we had lots of coffee (the usual), some smokies, and discussed a lot.

Topic of the day: the quantum theories of Stephen Hawking as compared with/opposed to Plato, Democritos, Pythagoras. We found quite a lot parallels, to be honest. Was a really interesting discussion. Hawking has the weirdest theories, and he can prove all of them scientifically, being a positivist. I really like the 11-dimensional gravity, and the strings between the different universes that are lightyears long. Nice. Complicated.

Yes, an afternoon well spent.

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