Quite an uneventful week, actually, apart from…

Got a phonecall on Monday evening, Faust. I had already sensed last week that sth was wrong, but I never really asked, since I hadn’t been alone with him. Well, it all came out on that phone. He’s really doubting his relationship again. Last year, after little over a year, he broke up with Jurryt, cos he’s too shallow, no real wit, no backbone. Faust spent the next four months alone, and found out how hard it is to find another Gay Gothic Geek. He brooded and thought a lot, and on New Year’s Day, he went to Jurryt to get back together. Jurryt was so happy, Faust is the man of his life. I shook my head, and kept silent.
Now, after 9 months, the same problems resurface. Jurryt is a really sweet guy, very loving and all, but… No depth. So Faust is really doubting, and will probably end it again.
What has this to do with me ? Well… Simply put: if Faust goes down the drain, so do I. We’re soulmates, we’re related. If he can’t sleep, I’ll have a very uneasy night. If he’s restless, so am I. If I need to talk, the phone rings before I have decided to call him. So if he gets depressed…

Tuesday after work, I went to his place, and we talked a lot. Made him see things more clearly. Wednesday nothing much happened: physiotherapist, that’s about all. Thursday I was really beat, dunno why, really tired when I came home from teaching, and I went to show my mum the new city library and the big mall near it. When I came home, I just crashed on the couch, felt exhausted. Too tired to read, nothing on telly, arm too sore to be at the PC… Called Faust, but he had visitors. No roleplay either. Friday I had planned on being at his place all afternoon, but my father in law was here to weed the garden, clean the pavements, repair a doorhandle and lock… Ended up at Faust only round 6. We talked, I had to calm him down cos he was very jumpy. I never made it to the coffeehouse where Bart and Dirk were, thought I’d meet them for dinner. Dinner was cancelled cos of the crappy week Ilse had had, and she wanted to go for a swim. So another uneventful evening at home. Played some more Asheron’s Call.
Today: nothing much either. Bit chilly, so I lit the fireplace :-))) God I love roaring blazing fires ! Me on the couch, cat at my feet, dog next to me on the floor, beautiful classical concert on the telly, fire roaring… So I fell asleep !

Sometimes I think I’m getting old…

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